A Revolutionary Platform called NuWater

E-Commerce for Buying and Selling Treated Wastewater

A platform to promote recycling & reuse to preserve our most precious natural resource

Sustainable Water Recycling with NuWater

At NuWater, we're committed to fostering a sustainable future through responsible water recycling, connecting wastewater treatment plants with recycled water users. By embracing sewage recycling, we conserve freshwater, combat water scarcity, and safeguard our environment. Join us in ensuring every water drop matters in building a sustainable tomorrow.

For Buyers

The platform establishes an ecosystem for a sustainable business model centred around recycled and treated water.

For Sellers

This platform introduces an innovative approach to the cost-effective and efficient procurement and utilisation of recycled and treated water.

Join NuWater

In our mission to recycle treated sewage, reduce freshwater consumption, and protect our environment.

Together, we can build a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world.

The World of Water Recycling

What is Water Recycling?
Water recycling is the transformation of wastewater into a reusable resource. It's a global movement towards sustainability, conservation, and innovation.

Why Water Recycling?
Water recycling reduces dependence on freshwater, conserves resources, and creates opportunities for both government recycling plants and industries.

What is Waste Reclamation?
Transforming sewage treatment into water reclamation means upgrading processes to produce safe, high-quality reclaimed water for multiple uses.

Key Steps in Transitioning to a Water Reclamation Facility

Cutting-Edge Treatment Processes

Applying changes to improve contaminant removal for more effective wastewater treatment.

Reducing impact with advanced treatment, fostering wastewater treatment sustainability.
Rigorous Monitoring and

Enforcing rigorous monitoring and testing to assure treated water quality standards.

Maintaining reclaimed water regulatory compliance for various reuse applications and regulations.
Diverse Reuse Applications and Options

Diverse uses for reclaimed water: Irrigation, Industrial processing, Flushing, etc.

Tailoring water reuse for diverse consumers, optimizing resource utilization effectively.
Public Outreach and Acceptance

Offering insights on safe recycling and reuse of treated sewage/wastewater to foster informed decision-making.

 Inviting active participation in initiatives and discussions around sustainable sewage/wastewater management practices.

Water's Journey "From Waste to Value"

Majority of used water from the households, communities, public utilities and commercial establishments is being collected through the sewerage & wastewater piping network in a large sump also known as “Sewerage or Wastewater Pumping Stations” from where it is pumped to a treatment plant for the removal of impurities.

The “Sewerage or Wastewater Pumping Stations” are also utilized for desired distribution of the sewerage & wastewater among the number of treatment plants so to make sure the treatment plants are not overflowing. 

What is Wastewater & Sewage Treatment

Circular Economy & Resource Recovery

A necessary paradigm shift is required at multiple levels to advance sustainable sanitation services toward a circular economy in which wastewater is considered a valuable resource rather than a liability.

World Bank

Embracing Resource Efficiency

Modern ways of managing resources focus on using them wisely, reducing waste, and creating value. Water recycling is a key part of this approach.

Advancing Circular Water Economy

A circular economy in water management encourages reusing treated sewage/wastewater instead of just disposing of it and using fresh water. In this kind of economy, sewage/wastewater is either used again or used more efficiently. This not only helps protect the environment but also makes better use of natural resources, leading to growth in new areas, more jobs, and improved skills.

Optimizing Water Recovery

By adopting this approach, we can recover over 90% of water, making the most out of what we have. This reduces the need for new systems to extract and treat fresh water while also cutting down on sewage/wastewater production.

Fostering Industry Collaboration

Sewage/Wastewater from one industry can be treated and used by another industry. This cooperation allows for the exchange of water, energy, or by-products, reducing waste and creating beneficial relationships between industries. This effort promotes a Circular Economy, aiming to keep resources useful and valuable through designs that are restorative and regenerative.

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"Platform for Treated Wastewater Ordering, Supply, Tracking, Billing and Certification"

Advisory & Networking



NuWater is your comprehensive resource hub offering specialized Advisory Services for individuals, communities, businesses, and organizations keen on implementing water recycling systems or utilizing treated wastewater. We believe in harnessing technology and collective action for impactful water conservation and environmental protection. With a strong commitment to education, we provide insights into the benefits and methodologies of treated wastewater recycling, simplifying the science behind wastewater treatment and ensuring the safe utilization of recycled water, empowering communities towards a sustainable water-secure future.



NuWater partners with industry leaders, government agencies, and research institutions to stay updated on wastewater recycling advancements, sharing the latest best practices with our community. More than an educational hub, we connect stakeholders in the wastewater recycling sector. Our platform fosters networking among individuals, businesses, and organizations involved in wastewater and sewage treatment, water recycling technologies, and policy development. Through "NuWater," discover partners, suppliers, and consultants to help implement effective wastewater and sewage recycling solutions for advancing your water sustainability endeavors.

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Apart from providing a platform for Buying & Seller Wastewater, we also provide advisory and networking services for implementing water recycling systems.

Industry / Project Owner or a Decision Maker – Find about your current water needs (conduct a water audit), separate the potable & non-potable uses and check if treated water can be used for the non-potable uses. You can buy the treated water from NuWater as per your needs.

Wastewater or Sewage Treatment Plant Owner or a Decision Maker – Make sure your treatment processes are adequate & efficiently working - achieving desired results with proper disinfection. If your treated water is of a good quality (up to the requirements of buyers), you can sell the treated water from NuWater.

Tanker Owners – Be our delivery partner for the treated water by enrolling with NuWater.  

The earning mostly depends on the quality of treated water and requirement of treated water in your area. You can also market your treated water to nearby users using variety of material provided by NuWater.

Token money just to cover the operating expenses.

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